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Energy and focus

My words may seem off or evenly bitter, but in reality, the majority of people at least what I've observed is that they are either low on energy or low on confidence, and on the contrary side, all the successful personalities have shown a tremendous amount of energy in their work; laziness, ineffective routine, and unhealthy diet, all these traits are connected to a perpetual circle we are running in.

There is a need for focus in everything you do, and it is not only limited to work, study, and art but also as in whole, for a quality life. The basic idea of a fulfilling life comes from a fine consciousness to better understand this, just try to remember the level of energy and confidence you used to have as a kid so that focus, is sharp as a bladed hook.

Just like finite time, we have a finite amount of energy and so it is important for us to smartly allocate that limited energy, now some lazy worms like me must be thinking that we have a lot of energy but it's just we don't use it, if yes then you must understand that people who are taking balanced diet never call themselves lazy and are more productive, in the same way, more focused people doesn't get easily distracted.


Some days it seems like our concentration is under attack from all sides. In fact, concentration is affected by both internal and external or environmental factors. If you want to learn how to improve focus and memory, it helps to understand what’s getting in the way now.

  • Focal points. We are bombarded by a constant flow of information, whether new or old, during the process of doing something. Researchers have found that our brains are so primed for this distraction that just seeing our smartphone impairs our ability to concentrate. We constantly assess whether the information is useful, sufficient, or meaningless. The sheer quantity coming in muddles our assessment of whether we actually need more information to make decisions.

  • Sleep. Scientists have found that lack of sleep can lead to lower alertness, slower thought processes, and reduced concentration. You will have more difficulty focusing your attention and may become confused. As a result, your ability to perform tasks especially relating to reasoning or logic can be seriously affected. Chronically poor sleep further affects your concentration and memory. Dr. Allison T. Siebern from the Stanford University Sleep Medicine Centre notes that if you cannot concentrate on what is at hand, it is unlikely to make it to either your short- or long-term memory.

  • Physical activity. Have you ever noticed how vigorous exercise leaves you feeling more relaxed and energetic throughout the day? When you don’t do physical activity, your muscles can become tense. You may feel tightness in your neck, shoulder, and chest and such persistent, low-level discomfort can affect your concentration.

  • Diet. What we eat contributes to how we feel, including our mental sharpness and clarity, throughout the day. If we don’t fuel our brains with the proper nutrients, we start to experience symptoms like memory loss, fatigue, and lack of concentration. Low-fat diets can ruin focus because the brain needs certain essential fatty acids. Other restrictive diets may negatively affect concentration by not providing the nutrients the brain needs or by creating hunger, cravings, or feeling of unwellness in the body that are themselves distracting.

"The more you create, the more you become. Everyone is equally capable of contributing, resources may differ, but humanity cannot"
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