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Black Hole of Creativity

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

Humans are gifted with this intelligence no other species has, these very complex cognitive abilities distinct us from any other living species and thus we have a hard time understanding ourselves.

Creativity is not just limited to artistic fields, many mathematicians, scientists have contributed through their creative yet logical minds. But when it comes to applying new ideas, new methods, we often resist that change, which inevitably makes us fall out of creative ideas.

Let's dig more into this complex concept of creativity and find out effective ways to make ourselves more creative and get the most out of our intelligence:

Consume Less Create More:

In the world of growing technology, with the abundance of information, we have made ourselves hungry for this available knowledge, which has made us ignorant to the actual wisdom, because we no more need to learn or store every piece of information, it's just available on a click, whenever required.

We should avoid consuming unnecessary information instead, we should try to apply our existing intelligence in different conditions and circumstances, as more as we can.

The more we use that creative part of our brain, the more it will become sharp and efficient.

Psychological Health:

We should never, never avoid our emotions, let those emotions drip out of the eyes, let that emotional burden out from the way.

Our emotions play a potent role in building new neural connections i.e. new pathways in the brain, so it can access important information easily and filter out any irrelevant data.

Evolution wired us in such a way, that our brains are more fragile to emotional stimuli rather than logical, so we must never get that inflicting paranoia of emotions to affect the brain.

A good sleep, a routine diet with nutrients can easily lift the mood, and meditation is a great way to calm our subconscious.

Don't Judge Your Thoughts:

If we observe carefully, we will find that 90% of our thoughts are involuntary, they just pop-up in our heads out of nowhere, but when you intentionally want to remember where you kept your socks, you can surely find anything but finding socks really sucks, well now you know how much free will you posses, 10%, no not really because 7% of the decisions you make are just to ensure your survival, so don't get stuck in your head, try not to judge every thought, the brain is just throwing information based on your past decisions, your emotional connections, and surroundings.

Fix Your Belief System:

We all are fenced by our beliefs, believe it or not, we have our notions and boundaries, by which we filter out almost every other decision we make.

I am not saying that having beliefs is awful, but ask yourself, do you stuck because you're not perfect and your preference doesn't meet that so-called perfection criterion of this civilization? If your answer is 'yes' then you should let go of that belief of perfection, as long as your intentions are good and your idea is worth applying, you're on the right path.

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Apr 13, 2021

good going Pal!!


great keep going ❣️🍭


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shruti mishra
Dec 30, 2020

(#Healthy diet)

Good food for good health, good thoughts for good mind.(#Meditation)

Control your breath, to control your mind.


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